Lady Gaga is being coy in multiple ways. The Mother Monster issued a Facebook post that was loaded with comments and innuendo ripe for dissecting.

First, she teased about possibly announcing her upcoming tour in the next couple of days, per little monster requests. The next Gaga tour has been a source of speculation, with rumors abounding that it would number around 450 dates! Wouldn’t announcing such a trek in the coming days be the perfect way to wrest the spotlight away from Madonna and her Super Bowl halftime show?

Oh, and speaking of the Super Bowl. Gaga is psyched about it, presumably because the team she roots for is the New York Giants and they are playing. She did mention the halftime show, saying “it will be wonderful I’m sure.” Was she being sarcastic? Serious? Sly? Her statement is so perfectly worded that it arouses curiosity and suspicion. With all that mud Madonna is slinging at Gaga in the press – and unnecessarily so, we might add- Gaga is taking the high road. Or is she? Sometimes not saying much says a lot.

The full text of her post is as follows:

Looking forward to seeing the Superbowl! The halftime show will be wonderful I’m sure. An excuse to drink beer+watch boys in tights. #yes I think my favorite tweets from lil monsters this week are “can you get drunk and announce the tour dates.” Am I that predictable!??!?!??! were my NIPPLES TRENDING? Haus texted me but I thought they were joking! Monsters #VirtualSpanking for cuteness and being inappropriate.

So what’s this about the Mother Monster’s nipples as a trending topic? What have the lil’ monsters been up to? Did they embark on a campaign to make Gaga’s headlights a topic of online chatter? She seems to be saying “Tsk tsk” but secretly loves that the little monsters do naughty things in her honor.

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