Every single day in Amarillo and in our Texas Panhandle Community a person or a family goes hungry.  They don't know where their next meal will come from.   It's a scary thought that 1 in 7 people here in the Texas Panhandle are food insecure.

These are people who work a job, but just don't make enough money to cover the bills and put food on the table.  These are senior citizens who only have a fixed income and sometimes that means paying for a prescription to live or to put food on their table.

Coming up this Saturday you can help with food insecurity in the Texas Panhandle.The National Association of Letter Carriers is having their Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive.  You can help and they make it so easy to help.

All you have to do is put together a bag of non-perishable healthy food items, and then place them by your mailbox on Saturday morning and your letter carrier will pick it up.

Here is a list of non-perishable food items most needed at the High Plains Food Bank at the moment:

Dry Milk
Boxed Dinners (like mac & cheese)
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef stew, etc.)
Bagged beans
Peanut butter

Please no glass containers.

You pack a bag with food, you put it by your mailbox and your letter carrier does the rest.  It's that simple.

Stamp Out Hunger is one of the largest single-day food drives that goes on nation wide.

The following cities in the Texas Panhandle are participating, Amarillo, Canyon, Dimmitt, Dumas, Hereford, Shamrock, and Tulia, TX.  The donations coming from Amarillo will go to the High Plains Food Bank.  Those items collected from outside of Amarillo will go to the local food pantries and partners in the area.  If you miss your letter carrier on Saturday, May 12the, you can donate food at Market Street on Georgia, United Supermarket at 45th & Bell Street or Amigos Supermarket at Grand & I-40, through the weekend.

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