Texas is home to its fair share of abandoned buildings, rich histories, tall tales, and other things that eventually become the stuff that legends are made of.

The eerie skeleton of the once-mighty Majors Stadium in Greenville, Texas is certainly no exception.

The Humble Beginnings of a Great Stadium

Greenville is a about 50 miles north (then a few skips east) of Dallas, Texas. The little sleepy town wasn't quite so sleepy back then. The high school had an impressive stadium where the football team played. Locals named it Majors stadium, after the WWII hero, Truett Majors.

In 1946, a minor league baseball team took over Majors Stadium. And it was then, dear reader, that the legend truly began.

The Original Tale of the Underdog

See, nothing is more American (or arguably, more Texan) as the concept of The Underdog and his great upset of a win.

The post-war years were big for baseball in general. And that's exactly how a minor league baseball team in Texas managed to snag the chance to play against gilded sports celebrities such as the New York Yankees.

Or, to be more specific, Joe DiMaggio of Sports Hall of Fame.

You know...the one who married Marilyn Monroe.

Yeah, him.

That's right. In 1949, The Majors played ball against Joe and the Yankees.....and won. The underdog came out on top with a score of 4-3.

What a time to be alive. You can go a little more in-depth here.

But Remember.....Time is a Stealthy Hunter

And all things must fall. It's sad, but true.

The post-war years came and went. And so did the minor league baseball industry.

Old Time Road Trip/YouTube
Old Time Road Trip/YouTube

Greenville hasn't changed much in the years since the Yankees came. And all that's left of the magnificent baseball stadium where the legend of The Underdog came to life is a skeleton of the entrance gates...and the melancholy smell of what once was hanging in the air.

That's it. That's all. That's all that remains.

You can take a quick look for yourself in this short video that shows what a legend can be reduced to....bricks and historical marker.

If you ever decide to take a jaunt to Greenville, Texas to see the remnants of Majors stadium for yourself, be careful.

The Google Maps address will likely take you to the wrong address. Maybe in mild protest of something so mythical for a moment in time being reduced to mere rubble.

Or just a tech glitch. Who knows.

BEAUTIFUL: These Are the Best Scenic Drives in Texas

It's time to hit the road—Stacker compiled a list of the best scenic drives in Texas using data from Tripadvisor as of March 2024.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

Can You Guess These Towns From Their Satellite Photos?

I'm always down for a good brain challenge. This one however got the best of me.
It's always a fun time looking up address or cities and seeing them from a satellite point of view. You start pointing out landmarks and things you recognize.

One thing you don't account for however is something looking bigger or smaller than you seemed to think it was. So we started grabbing a bunch of these satellite pictures of cities and towns around Amarillo.

As we looked at them, we thought to ourselves, "how fun would this be to actually have to GUESS what these places are?". So away we went.

Go ahead and try to see how many you can guess correctly!

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark


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