Danny Wright’s Must Have Apps
Take a look at my iPhone. These are the APPs that I use the most. Obviously, the 96-9 KISS FM APP is a must-have. It’s an all in one APP. You don’t need to program your phone with our phone number, one-click calls us. Set the alarm to wake up with Brooke and Jubal in the morning. Plus activate alerts to get inside info on contests and great deals. Plus, now you can send us a voice note and we can hear it right in the studio. So yes, the 96-9 KISS FM APP is a MUST HAVE. Get it here.
Mobile APPS have been the focus of innovation some many years. With new technology coming out on basically a daily basis, it can be hard to stay relevant and competitive. According to Comscore’s yearly APP report, 57 percent of Americans spend the majority of our digital consumption on mobile APPS.
Take a look a week in my life.
Obviously, you can see what my most used APP is. No wonder I’m tired.