What was Hoffman about to do?  What was he planning for?  Do heroin users typically buy 50 bags of heroin at a time?  Forgive my ignorance, and please don't take this as disrespect for the dead, but wow!  That seems like it would be a lot of heroin!  50 bags?  The late Philip Seymour Hoffman was clearly planning on a long heroin binge.  Why didn't any of his friends help him?!?  Surely, one of his friends knew he had this problem!  Would you have a talk with your friend if you knew they were using?

I'm pretty sure I would have, especially if it was to this kind of an extreme!

Addicts usually resist, but you have got to try at least, this tragedy might have been avoided had a friend spoke up.

Beyond the 50 bags of heroin, Hoffman was found dead with a needle in his arm.

He more than likely has a history of drug addiction, and it's sad to see, I loved this guy in Along Came Polly!

"Investigators found roughly 50 bags of heroin and used syringes in Philip Seymour Hoffman's West Village apartment, police told to ABC News.

Police sources say Hoffman was found unconscious at around 11:15 a.m. Sunday on the bathroom floor of his apartment by friend and screenwriter David Bar Katz, who called 911. Hoffman was pronounced dead at the scene.

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