A photo of a dejected looking Kanye West sitting behind wife Kim Kardashian went viral on the Internet after a Reddit user posted the photo taken on December 10, 2013 outside a zip-lining office in Mexico. The user submitted the photo with the caption: "Found it in a random zip-lining office in the middle of Mexico. They took it, and I don't think it's ever been online... "

The photo appears to show Kim Kardashian all smiles with a zip-lining instructor while Kanye sits behind them, looking anything but enthusiastic about what he's about to do. The Internet has already dubbed this another classic "Sad Kanye West" photo and reactions around the Internet have been of amusement.

This wouldn't be the first time the Internet has caught Kanye in a foul mood. In fact, there's an entire Tumblr dedicated to "Sad Kanye."

We're not sure why Kanye looks so down in that photo but we can sympathize with Yeezy. After all, zip-lining CAN be scary.

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