Second Dose of Moderna Vaccine Currently Unavailable in Amarillo

If you have yet to get the vaccine, or if you have already gone for the first dose and need the second, one of the best tools for you to use is the city's updates on vaccine availability.
They update it frequently so you'll know when the vaccine is available, which group it is available for, and if it is available for those who need the second or first dose.
Today, the city put out an update which shows the second dose of the Moderna vaccine is currently unavailable until the city receives more.
If history is any kind of good indicator as to how long it will take for those doses to arrive, we should expect them sooner rather than later.
The best way to stay on top of when the vaccine is available is to like the City of Amarillo's Facebook page, or bookmark the webpage devoted to updates on vaccine availability. Click here for the link.
There is a lot of other information on the site as well. If you have any questions on whether or not your eligible to receive the vaccine, what hours the walk-in clinic will be open, or if the dose you need is available.
On the information site, they do point out that the Moderna vaccine is the only one being given at the Public Health Vaccination Clinic. They update the cut-off date for the second dose daily. If you aren't sure if you are eligible yet for the second dose, that's an easy way to check and make sure.
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