I'm not sure if you've been watching The Drama Queen on E!  If you haven't, you totally should!  Amarillo's own Sloane Brown is on the show, and Marki has really taken a liking to her!

The Drama Queen is a reality show in which Marki takes on individuals striving to make it in Hollywood.  From aspiring actors, singers, performers, or in Sloane's case, a TV host, and helps them achieve that dream.

In Marki's own words, she believes Sloane has what it takes to be a host on MTV.  I think that's pretty cool!

The show also has your typical bickering between the lesser of the cast members.  There's a girl on there, who's name I actually don't care to take up my precious brain space by memorizing, that just makes me want to stab my eyes out with the eraser end of a pencil!

She's that person who thinks they have the answer to everything, and is just so much better than everyone else, her farts smell like roses or something.  Watch the show, you'll know exactly who I'm talking about.  The one that looks like she's had more plastic surgery than the late Michael Jackson.  I've just learned to mute my TV when she opens her mouth and begins to spew out her "priceless" advice.

Besides that, it's a really good show when you give it a chance!  I couldn't be happier for Sloane Brown!  To be represented by Marki is a dream that not many achieve.  Marki knows what she is doing, you can just tell, she has this wisdom about her when she speaks and a track record to back it.

Listen for Sloan to be a guest DJ on 96.9 KISS-FM today as we co-host the 5 O' Clock Bomboocha!



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