olympic sport

Miraculous Accident Allows Paralympic Cyclist to Walk Again [VIDEO]
Miraculous Accident Allows Paralympic Cyclist to Walk Again [VIDEO]
Miraculous Accident Allows Paralympic Cyclist to Walk Again [VIDEO]
Normally it’s an accident that causes permanent limb damage and changes the course of an athlete’s career. But for paralympian Monique va der Vorst, the opposite proved to be true. The paralympic cyclist and two-time silver medalist recently got into an accident and found herself left with a bit of a surprise — after 14 years of living in a wheelchair, she could suddenly walk again.
Petition Started to Make Pole Dancing an Olympic Sport
Petition Started to Make Pole Dancing an Olympic Sport
Petition Started to Make Pole Dancing an Olympic Sport
Vertical Dance, a British pole-dancing company, is petitioning the International Olympic Committee to get their sport recognized as a test event for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. According to the petition, which has so far garnered about 6,000 signatures, "Over 50 countries worldwide take part in lessons, workshops, conventions, expose, competitions and teacher training." Read Mor