wall street

Have Guns & Ammo!
Have Guns & Ammo!
Have Guns & Ammo!
David John Marotta, a Wall Street expert, financial adviser and Forbes contributor, is actually advising Americans to be prepared for a financial apocalypse!  That should be a HUGE red flag right there!  He's now an American people adviser, and is advising you to have food, water, guns and ammo all ready to go.
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Honest Cover Letter Charms Wall Street
Summer internships on Wall Street can be difficult to snag, especially if you aren't related to one of the firm's senior executives. But as an unnamed college student has proved, the really honest approach to job seeking can also work. His cover letter, in which he admits he has "no unbelievably special skills or genius eccentricities" and says he "no qualms about fetching coffee, s