Texans Take A Stand Against Bullying
The Texas Anti Bullying Coalition is taking a stand. It knows no boundaries and bullying affects every single Texan in one form or another. Here is what the Coalition stands for in Texas:
Our long-term vision and founding purpose at T.A.B.C. is to contribute to putting an end to the epidemic of bullying among today’s youth and adults, empowering them through counseling, life skills training, open communication, and creative outlets.
To accomplish this vision in the short term, we provide access to school and office programs that offer professional speakers, counselors, and anti-bullying software to help change they culture in our schools and within our working communities.
For the long term, we strive to create awareness of the deeper problems bullying creates in the community as well as the possible solutions to these problems. This way, we shall contribute to building a strong community and nation.
Whether we are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying, it can keep us from appropriately expressing how we feel and being who we want to be. Bullying can make us feel unsafe, unwelcome, and alone.
More than one out of every five (20.8%) students report being bullied
*School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25%
*64% of children who were bullied did not report it; only 36% reported the bullying
*Another form of buying is Cyberbullying.
*Among high school students, 15.5% are cyberbullied and 20.2% are bullied on school property
*Among middle school students, 24% are cyberbullied and 45% are bullied on school property
**The percentages of individuals who have experienced cyberbullying at some point in their lifetimes have nearly doubled (18% to 34%) from 2007-2016
**90% of teens who report being cyberbullied have also been bullied offline
To take a stand against bullying in Texas and read more about the Texas Anti Bullying Coalition visit their informative website here.
We must take a stand and end bullying, and possibly save a life.
**Patchin and Hinduja
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