Texas Air and Space Museum Pay Tribute to the Greatest Generation
Did you know that Amarillo has an amazing museum dedicated to air and space? We do and it is a wonderful place to visit. You can see planes and all sorts of aircraft from the past to the present. You can also see a piece of one of the space shuttles.
It's a hidden gem here in Amarillo, but it is one of those gems you have to visit.
Each year the Texas Air and Space Museum pay Tribute to the Greatest Generation. It is an annual event and an evening full of fun and remembrance.
The event commemorates the official end of World War II, which ended on September 2nd, 1945.
According to Ron Fernuik, president and CEO of the Museum,
“Many of us have direct, personal connections to the heroic men and women who served and sacrificed in World War II, and, through their sacrifices, changed the world forever, making it a better place. We are the heirs of their efforts. We can no longer thank them personally, because most have now gone to their greater reward. We can, however, raise up their names and remember them with this tribute, lest they be sadly forgotten. With this event, we seek to educate our guests about the magnitude of this truly world war and to recreate, through the music and memory of our WWII soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen and guard, the victories they celebrated and the songs they fell in love to.”
The event takes place at the museum located at 10001 American Blvd, on Saturday, September 1, 2018, 6-10pm.
Enjoy a delicious dinner catered by Market Street that features many different tastes and fare representing the nations that fought in WWII. Live music featuring Patrick Swindell & Esquire Jazz (all decked out in Military dress), playing music the greatest big band music from the 30s, 40s,and 50s.
A memorial ceremony will be offered by the Color Guard of the VFW Golding-Meadows Post 1475, followed by a toast and moment of remembrance of those who served in WWII
A cash bar will be available.
$50 for civilians
$35 Active or Veteran Military and Guest
You can purchase tickets at the museum, Goodin's Jewelry, or by calling 806-335-9159 or online:
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