Serena Williams told E! News, ''I have been really fortunate and I have had a really good pregnancy, and everything has just been really good. Sometimes I am walking in my house, and I'm like, 'I really like being pregnant.' I never thought I would say that. I am definitely [the type] that enjoys it. I don't have the cravings. So, I am a little disappointed with that." We asked women in Amarillo what they craved, here is what some of them said.

  1. French Fries- One mom said she ate French fries the entire time.
  2. Honey Mustard- This mom claimed she put it on EVERYTHING. Even her morning toast.
  3. Noodles- Rebecca from Hereford said she had to have noodles every day. Alfredo/white cheddar sauce was her favorite.
  4. Glazed Doughnut with SPAM, Hamburger, Cheese Lettuce- It's made just like a sandwich. All the meat and cheese is between two glazed doughnuts. WOW!
  5. Pickles Dipped in Ice Cream- This sounds like a classic most moms try once.

Do you have one we missed? Leave it in the comment section below.


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