Owning a home is such a wonderful accomplishment.  However, sometimes we have to sell a home due to moving, needing a bigger place, and even due to a death.  Looking for a new home can be fun and exciting.  When you're in the market for a new home, sometimes you go online and check out what is in your area.  You browse the homes in your price range.  You see a house you love and you click on a link.

Well there is a beautiful home in Richmond, Texas that is for sale. From the outside it looks like a beautiful home perfect for a family, but then you keep looking through the pictures and it slowly becomes a nightmare.

So many mannequins.  It's creepy. All I can say is the owners must be a bit eccentric, have a great sense of humor, are completely out of their gourd or The Hills Have Eyes.

Did anyone check to see if there was a hidden basement?

Interested in this house, check out the website here.

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