West Texas A&M University Student Sexually Assaulted On Campus [POLL]
It seems that college sexual assaults are on the rise. Over the weekend, campus police were called to investigate an alleged sexual assault on the WTAMU campus.
When Amarillo made the list for the number one city on reported rapes, I was shocked. But after the last few weeks I can see how we made the list. Over the weekend student at West Texas A&M University reported a sexual assault on campus.
The alleged assault took place Friday night in one of the residents halls on the WTAMU campus. The young lady reported that she knew the man she is accusing. She went to a local hospital and reported the incident. The investigation is ongoing but once it is wrapped up the case will be turned over to the Randal County District Attorney.
I don't know if it is just me, but it seems that more and more assaults are happening on campuses across the country and little is being done to stop it. And the worst part is that the victim is usually blamed. Or they are too scared or ashamed to come forward.
Nobody should be afraid to get a higher education. And nobody should be blamed for another's actions.