Let me start off by saying I love to talk.  Sometimes you can't get me to shut up, but not while I'm using the bathroom.

It never fails, I have to pee super bad and someone starts talking.  Whose in here?  Or Angel is that you?  "Ummm, yes and I'm a little busy."

So I have to ask, why do women find it necessary to have conversations in the restroom?  I am always available to talk, but if I'm in the restroom I would like a little privacy.  Not only is it awkward, but it really makes me uncomfortable.  Its bad enough that someone else has to hear my pee, but then to start talking about my day.  Weird.

Oh and don't get me started on the types of conversations we have.  I have had some of the most bizarre talks while sitting uncomfortably on the toilet.

It also makes me wonder if guys do this.  I think it would be worse for them because they are standing next to each other.

Maybe I am over reacting to this.  So tell me, is this common or does it make you uncomfortable too?  And fellas, do you talk while in the men's room?  Please shed some light on this subject for me.

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