Something we take for granted whenever it storms is the ability to pull up a Doppler weather radar on our phones. But, you may notice this week that your favorite weather radar app just isn't working. That's because the Weather Service Radar (WSR) in Amarillo is getting a much needed upgrade.

From The National Weather Service: The WSR-88D radar operated by the NOAA National Weather Service in Amarillo will be down for approximately five days for the refurbishment of the transmitter. Although the form, fit, and function of the transmitter will remain the same, old breakers and cables original to the radar will be replaced with modern fuses and new cables. This will help keep the 20-year-old radar operating smoothly for another 20 years.

Credit: Forum Communications Co.

This transmitter update is the second major project of the NEXRAD Service Life Extension Program, a series of upgrades and replacements that will keep our nation’s radars viable into the 2030’s. NOAA National Weather Service, the United States Air Force, and the Federal Aviation Administration are investing $150 million in the seven year program. The first project was the installation of the new signal processor. The two remaining projects are the refurbishment of the pedestal and equipment shelters. The Service Life Extension Program will complete in 2022.

During the downtime, adjacent radars that provide coverage to the region include: Cannon Air Force Base, Lubbock, Frederick, Vance Air force Base, Dodge City, and Pueblo. For direct access to any of these surrounding radar sites, go to the following web page:

The Amarillo WSR-88D is part of a network of 159 operational radars. The Radar Operations Center in Norman, Oklahoma, provides lifecycle management and support for all WSR-88Ds.

For a radar mosaic loop of the Panhandles:

The National Weather Service in Amarillo, Texas can be found on social media at and

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