2 Juveniles Struck By Car In Walmart Parking Lot In Amarillo
A vehicle VS pedestrian accident that happened last Friday sent two juveniles to the hospital, one with life-threatening injuries. The accident took place at the Walmart located at the Canyon E-Way & Georgia in Amarillo.
"On June 28, 2013 at approximately 6:35 PM, officers were dispatched to a vehicle versus pedestrian crash in the parking lot of Wal-Mart, 4215 Canyon Drive. Upon their arrival officers found that a gray 1999 Toyota Corolla four-door had entered the parking lot from the service road, and was travelling east bound turning southbound when the driver lost control. The car struck a curb and pole support, causing a tire to blow out. The Corolla continued southbound into the parking lot and then turned westbound. The vehicle, driven by Hamdi Omor, 24 years of age, struck a 2001 silver Chevy Impala 4-door on the lot that a female and two juveniles were getting into. The vehicles struck one of the juveniles while they were waiting to get into the back seat of the Impala. The victims were transported to a local hospital. One juvenile struck by the vehicles was transported with life threatening injuries. That juvenile's condition has stabilized as of 7-1-13, the other was treated and released."
Speed is considered a factor in the crash. The incident is being investigated by the Traffic Investigation Squad of the Amarillo Police Department.
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