This brought tears to my eyes when I seen the video of Amanda Todd.

All she wanted was to be treated just like everyone else. She was bullied by someone who wanted to ruin her life forever. From a picture she sent online to a guy who she thought she could trust, it ended up all over the Internet!


Granted we should never send personal pictures online to people. I'm sure Amanda was just seeking out to get friends but her picture ended up in the wrong persons hands. The Bullier posted it all over facebook and other sites.

Amanda was picked on at school and called many ugly names.

She was tired of moving to different cities and going to different schools. She was bullied everywhere she went. Amanda even tried cutting herself on multiple occasions.

Amanda made this video, a video that I call "A CRY FOR HELP". 15 year old Amanda Todd was found dead October 10th.

This really breaks my heart! Watch her video as Amanda Todd cries out for help...

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