Kiss FM Staff
Join Us For A ‘Free Game’ Night This Saturday With The Amarillo Venom
Join the Amarillo Venom this Saturday as they offer a free game-night with a $5 donation to the Panhandle fire victims.
Leal’s Mexican Restaurant Offers Free Meals For Firefighters
Our local Leal's Mexican Restaurant is is giving away free meals to all firefighters.
Amarillo’s 1981Murder Story Released As Horror Movie
On Halloween in 1981 a Amarillo nun was found murdered in her room at the St. Francis Convent!
Yesterday’s Heavy Winds Leaves Destruction Around Town [PHOTOS]
Yesterday's crazy winds that rolled through West Texas did some damage around town and surrounding areas. Causing damage to peoples houses, trees, cars and we even had some wild fires. This time is season we will be in danger for high winds, and grass-fires...
Beware Of New Phone Scam Going Around Town
We have received a message from the Randall County Sheriff's Department to warn people that there is a new Phone Scam going on around town.
The 2017 Warrant “Round-Up” Is Here Check To See If You’re On The List
This is how you know Spring is near because Texas rolls out with their annual warrant "Round-Up!"
Rare Footage of Elvis Presley in Amarillo
Did you know that Elvis Presley performed one of his last concerts here in Amarillo?
Woman Buys Colored Contacts at Flea Market and Now is Permanently Blind
Liza Garcia purchased a set of cosmetic colored contacts from a Lubbock flea market and three days later the contacts have left her legally blind.
The Hacker Morning Show’s 3rd Annual “Running Of The Chihuahua” Dog Race
Do you think you have the fastest chihuahua in town? How would you like to win $500 in cash? The Hacker Morning show is teaming up with the Amarillo Venom, and Animal Lodge for the 3rd annual "Running Of The Chihuahua" dog race.
Rumors of Immigration Raid in Lubbock, is Amarillo Next?
There have been a lot of rumors of possible immigration raids hitting Lubbock. Raids have been happening in the past week in many states like Georgia, New York, California, and Texas. Could Amarillo be ICE's next stop?
Amarillo Man Laid To Rest In Fishing Boat
Amarillo man Jim Braswell was laid to rest on Tuesday. Have you ever thought of being laid to rest with something that you love to do.
Tommy The Hacker With A Special “Happy Valentine’s” Video For Everyone
There is nothing better then expressing on how I really feel about my listeners. Something a little special from my heart to yours!