Amarillo Botanical Gardens Host Pumpkin Giveaway
We are finally getting into fall weather and if you are looking for those perfect Thanksgiving decorations, you might want to check this out. The Amarillo Botanical Gardens is hosting a huge pumpkin giveaway!
The gardens are ready to get rid of their pumpkins and they are giving you the chance to benefit. Friday, October 11th they are hosting the big Pumpkin Giveaway! From 4-7pm you are invited out. The gate fee is $5.00 but once inside you can take away as many pumpkins as you want.
If you want three pumpkins you can take three. If you want seven, you can take seven. This is their annual decoration clean out from PumpkinFest and all their other fall activities. They need to get rid of the fall stuff so they can get ready for 'Garden of Lights.'
If you are planning your Thanksgiving decorations and it involves pumpkins, this is one of the best deals you will find. They have pumpkins of all shapes and sizes.
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