Amarillo Foster Parent Organization Hosting Golf Scramble
The Greater Amarillo Foster Parent Association is holding its annual golf tournament on May 21st at Arrowhead Course at Comanche Trail Golf Complex.It will be a SHOTGUN start promptly at 8am. They will provide lunch and refreshments. This will be a 4 man scramble. The scramble will be flighted (it gives an opportunity to win). There will be longest drive, closet to the pin, special putting hole, and play it like a pro competitions. There will also be opportunity to purchase a bag of MULLIGANS!
Registration fee is $300 per team or $75.00 per player. Registrations must be received by May 7th.
Wanna be a sponsor? There are several opportunities:
- Score Card Sponsorship: - $35.00
- Copy of company Logo on ALL score cards on golf cart.
- TEE Box Sponsorship: - $125.00 Company or Personal recognition on Tee Box.
- TEE Box and Team Sponsorship: - $400.00. Tee Box recognition and TEAM entry into Golf Tournament.
- Bronze Sponsorship $250: - includes a small logo of your company on our Banner.
- Silver Sponsorship $500: - includes recognition on Tournament Banner
- Gold Sponsorship $750: - includes recognition on Tournament Banner, Media Recognition on Organization website
- Platinum Sponsorship $1500: - your name or company logo would be at the top of the Event Banner. This level includes: Teams entry fee and honors at the award luncheon.
- Title Sponsor $5000: special recognition of your company, company logo on event banner, company logo on all golf cart name cards. They would rename the Scramble to be “Your Company Name” for The Kids Benefit Tournament.
For more information, contact gafba2010@gmail.com.
All proceeds benefit the kids in activities that we do for the children including Wonderland, Christmas presents, Texas and more.
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