Amarillo Insurance Agency Robbery Bonanza. Bank Robbery Next?
They say everything in life is a gateway to something else.
Having a few drinks after work every day is a gateway to alcoholism. Playing cards online is a gateway to gambling addiction. So on and so forth, right?
So does that mean robbing insurance agencies at gunpoint is the gateway robberies?
Look, we hear about a lot of theft in Amarillo. I don't know what it is about it, but I swear I hear more about it here than I have anywhere I've lived. Austin, Denver, and San Francisco don't seem to hold a candle to Amarillo.
However, this is a new one even for me. Yesterday, August 2nd, two different insurance agencies less than a mile apart from each other were held up at gunpoint.
The first one happened at the Texas Insurance agency at 1500 E. Amarillo Blvd. The suspect walked into the building, pulled out a gun, grabbed some cash, and bolted through a back door.
He wasn't satisfied with just that one though. He wanted to press his luck and go for the double dip.
The next stop on his list was Amarillo's Insurance Agency just down the road at 3009 E. Amarillo Blvd. Before heading in, it appears the suspect changed his clothes as he entered in with a different set of clothing from the first robbery.
According to Google Maps, the two businesses are less than a mile apart, and approximately a 15 minute walk. The first robbery took place around 10:16 am, and the second one at 10:30 am. It would seem the times match up.
Police are currently searching for at least one suspect at this time, suggesting the robberies were committed by the same person. It is possible though that it was a coordinated deal with multiple people. Time will tell.
All I know is that if insurance agencies are starting to get hit, I'd be on the lookout if I were in a bank right now. I mean, everything is a gateway to something else...right?