[UPDATED] Amarillo’s Drug Busts: A Look At The Biggest Drug Busts In 2021
Drugs have been a big time money maker for quite some time now.
However, it seems in 2021, Amarillo has seen its share of big time drug busts increase. It's a troubling trend, especially as more drugs increase in popularity and use.
On the heels of yet another big time drug bust in Center City, I wanted to dig into some of the biggest busts of the year.
But before we do, let's take a look at the numbers given by the Amarillo Police Department for the year 2020.
The annual report for 2020, which can be accessed here, paints a hefty picture.
The 'gg' denoted in their report refers to gigagrams, not just plain ol' grams. With just a little magic in converting the measurements (this site is neat for it), you'll get some perspective on the staggering amount of drugs available in Amarillo.
Remember that 1 ton = 2,000 lbs
- 162.93 Gg of cocaine = 359,199,164 lbs = 179,600 ton
- 222.74 Gg of crack-cocaine = 491,057,643 lbs = 245,529 ton
And that's not including the federal drug busts that have taken place in Amarillo this year--which you'll get to see below.
These big ol' federal busts take the cake for 2021. All of these busts involved drug amounts of street values over $250,000. The unknown street value ones were over these amounts as well, we just don't have an exact number.