It was rumored last month, and now it’s confirmed: After a long dispute between the two tech giants, Amazon Video is coming to Apple TV.

The news was announced for realsies at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference. Though no definitive timeline was given for the Amazon Video app on Apple TV, earlier reports said it would probably be available sometime this summer. As part of the detante between Apple and Amazon, the online retail giant will start selling Apple TVs again for the first time in two years. (The store previously claimed “customer confusion” as the reason for not stocking the popular piece of hardware, along with Google’s Chromecast.) So if you don’t have one, and was waiting to buy one until you could get it through Amazon to watch Amazon Video, well I guess your long international nightmare may soon be over. And if you’re already an Apple TV user, you finally can watch TransparentCatastrophe, and Bosch (BOSCH!!!!) without turning your head slightly from your television to your computer. Truly, we are living in an age of wonders.

If any other additional movie and/or tv-related news comes out of Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, or if we find out exactly when you can watch Bosch (BOSCH!!!!) on your Apple TV, we’ll let you know.

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