I just really don't understand how all this sick men keep getting jobs in the educational field.  The latest pedophile is a New Jersey educator by the name of Patrick J. Lott.

Lott was arrested last week for secretly videotaping boys in a communal shower area.  He decided not to put in a plea, which in my mind says guilty!

Lott, who is 54, has a job as an assistant principal at a public middle school and volunteered at a Catholic High School.  The Catholic school is where the videotaping took place.

Officials at the Catholic school alerted police when they received allegations of Lott's inappropriate behavior.  Prosecutors searched his home and found videos, as old as 2008, of boys showering together.  Some of these boys were younger than 16 years old.

I don't understand men like this!  With every action, they are damaging our beautiful children.  This just goes to show that even people, like educators, who are suppose to protect our children can't be trusted.

Lott's bond is set at $500, 000 and he is not allowed to have contact with and child under the age of 16.

My advice is to talk to your children!  Make sure that no monster is hurting them.  And to all you sickos out there, shame on you.

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