Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore Are Getting A Divorce Part 2, Ashton Gets Vocal On Facebook
Follow up to yesterday's breaking news about Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore getting a divorce. Today, Ashton gets vocal on his facebook about it! He's not being very clear about the matter but he makes a very clear statement in his status update and we all know what he's talking about when he says:
"When you ASSUME to know that which you know nothing of you make an ASS out of U and ME"
Pretty vague if you ask me, pretty sure that he is commenting on the rumors of him & Demi getting a divorce. Bet let me point something out. Of the 925 comments his status update has received, why have none of them been from Demi Moore herself backing him up? I mean, if you were in the same situation wouldn't you be backing your husband and shutting down the rumors with him? Also, nothing has been posted on her facebook. Leading me to believe that this time the tabloids hit the nail on the head! It looks like Ashton & Demi are in fact heading to Divorce Town, USA! If they want to squash the rumors, they better both speak up quick!
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