Brand New Tennis Courts for Palo Duro and Caprock High Schools
AISD has a plan for two new eight-court tennis centers to replace the six-court facilities at Caprock and Palo Duro high schools. This will replace cracked playing surfaces, the drainage issues, and also add more space for athletes and spectators.
The community says these Amarillo schools have been getting the short end of the stick for many years. AISD did complete a new complex at Bonham Middle School back in 2014 for Amarillo High. Then in 2016, they finished expanding and upgrading Austin Middle School for Tascosa High.
The rough plan says the 3.2 million dollar tennis center for Caprock can be done by April 2019. It will be at Bonham middle school, which will include dressing rooms, coaches offices, and court lighting. For Palo Duro Center, the district is still negotiating to buy land north of the school. Which the board members have not formally approved the construction of facilities, but it did get voted on last week for them to buy land near the school.
For Palo Duro Center, the district is still negotiating to buy land north of the school. Which the board members have not formally approved the construction of facilities, but it did get voted on last week for them to buy land near the school.
This project emerged in a public school board meeting after people complained to trustees in January. So Amarillo is growing and this is good for the city, maybe this will bring huge tournaments to the area.