So I was watching The Doctors this morning and they brought up a topic that really caught my attention.  I will try to present this in the most professional manner as I possibly I can, but I'm pretty dirty minded so bare with me!  The topic, can great sex literally blow your mind?  Can a really good orgasm wipe your memory clean?  Apparently, yes!  Oh great, not only do you have to worry about STD's, but now amnesia!?

So there is this theory that mind blowing sex can wipe your memory clean, sounds cliche right?  Well all though I can make sex jokes till my fingertips bleed, this is actually real and can be serious!  A 54 year old woman recently suffered a case of amnesia after having great sex.

Everybody wants mind blowing sex.  But imagine the ego your man is going to get if you get amnesia after sex!  Let's just say even with the amnesia, you'll never forget about it because he wont let you.  Yeah we men are braggers, that's just how we are.  "What did you do last night", "oh not much just gave my wife a case of Transient Global Amnesia with my...(well you can figure out the rest)."

Is there proof of this?  A woman being rendered clueless after a round of great sex?  No matter how silly the topic sounds it is true!  Transient Global Amnesia effects about 5 out of every 100,000 people in the world.  It's rare, and it confuses your memory of things prior to the moment in time you are at.  It seems to only last a few hours (24 hours max) and it also isn't reoccurring so basically your brain just kind of checks out for a few hours and then all of the sudden your back to normal.  You do remember who you are, you just don't know where you are or why you are there.  Kind of like a state of massive confusion.

What causes it? (The Doctors)

Strenuous physical activity (like sex!), sudden emerging in cold or hot water, acute emotional distress and head trauma.

If you find yourself lost after making the beast with 2 backs you should probably get checked out by your doctor, just to make sure it's nothing major like a stroke.  But to quote the Doctors, strokes do not cause TGA.  That's why it's really important to get checked if you find yourself in a state of amnesia, no matter what the causing factor was.

Always remember, sex is not the answer, sex is the question, the answer is yes!  Hahaha!  I keed I keed!

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