The 10 Craziest Things You Can Buy in Russell Crowe’s Divorce Auction
Russell Crowe recently finalized his divorce to wife Danielle Spencer. According to the Daily Mail, Spencer walked away from the relationship with “$20 million in the bank,” along with an $11 million mansion.
This is all unfortunate news for Russell Crowe. But when life gives you lemons you auction off lemonade, and now Crowe is doing exactly that, partnering with Sotheby’s on the amazingly titled “Russell Crowe: The Art of Divorce.” On April 7 in Sydney, Sotheby’s will be auctioning off pieces from Crowe’s personal collection of Movie Star Stuff; the official website notes that “The Russell Crowe Collection comprises important paintings by some of Australia’s most significant historic, modern and contemporary artists, furniture, movie memorabilia, musical instruments, watches, and sporting memorabilia.”
There are some really desirable items in there (if I didn’t have children to feed I would think very hard about bidding on the props from L.A. Confidential), and then there are other things that are ... well they’re just plain crazy. We’re talking crazy like real dinosaur bones that Russell Crowe bought from Leonardo DiCaprio crazy. We’re talking crazy like plaster casts of dead people’s faces crazy. We’re talking crazy like a freakin’ cannon crazy. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out ten of the nuttiest items up for bid. You can find links to all these items below as well, just in case you want to buy Russell Crowe’s Cinderella Man jock strap. (And, really, who could blame you if you did?)
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