Enjoy Lunch this Friday with the Amarillo Police Department
A great way to support our men and women in blue is by stuffing your face with lunch. OK, maybe you don't have to stuff your face, but you can have a great lunch while supporting the Amarillo Police Department.
Coming up on Friday, September 21st, the Amarillo Police Department Benefit Fund is having their annual cook out and everyone is invited to attend and enjoy a great lunch.
The event will take place in the Grand Plaza at the Amarillo Civic Center. Enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and a drink. It is a great meal for a $7 donation per plate (which let's face it, a great deal for lunch) and will benefit APD officers and their families. Lunch will be served from 11am-1pm.
All proceeds will go to the APD Officers Benefit Fund. The fund is in place to help the families of officers in a time of need.
As an added bonus you'll have a chance to sit and talk with some of Amarillo's finest men and women in law enforcement.