Hey Amarillo Do You Miss This About Thanksgiving Days Past?
There are a lot of things we still do on Thanksgiving Day. We get up and we either start preparing a big feast or we make some side dishes to bring to a family members house. Maybe we get up knowing we are going to head to The Big Texan for their buffet.
We pretty much all have the idea of food from the moment we wake up. We just can't wait to get those smells going in our house. The rest of the day we may spend watching football.
Maybe we have plans to start decorating. A lot of us will go to bed that night in a winter wonderland. We will have the tree up. We will have the stockings hung by the chimney with care.
This is the official day that we start thinking about Christmas trees and shopping. The excitement of the season is upon us.
Christmas Shopping is just not the same
The one thing we used to do on Thanksgiving morning that I miss is hunting down an Amarillo Globe News. My sister and I would wait for my mom to get home from work with the newspaper, we couldn't get it delivered where we lived. Then we would throw away the actual paper and go straight for the ads.
Whether we had any intentions of going out on Black Friday or not, the ads were our Christmas bible. We had a sharpie in hand. We went to circling every and anything we could possibly think we would want for Christmas.
Stores of Amarillo past
That was the way we came up with our "wish list". Oh we would start with the Toys R Us ads. We wanted all kinds of stuff from there.
We would check out the Hastings ad.
Oh and don't forget about Mervyn's too.
How about Service Merchandise?
We even had a few Kmart's.
All of those places are now a thing of the past here in Amarillo. Do you have those same memories? Maybe you got the much sought after Sears or Montgomery Ward's catalogs that would come in the mail.
Those simpler times. Do you miss them too? Marking our territory and having those dreams coming up on Christmas morning.
LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time
LOOK: Things from the year you were born that don't exist anymore