I'm sure you have all heard about the latest Miley incident.  Video was released of her smoking salvia out of a bong.  She laughs uncontrollably and mistakes someone as her boyfriend.  

Now I am not saying that it is ok to smoke salvia, but I would like to point out that Miley is 18 and salvia is legal in California.  So technically she did nothing wrong.  Yet people are ready to crucify her.  If she was smoking a cigarette would she face this much criticism?

People make choices everyday, some good and some bad.  Who are we to judge?  I do understand that she is a "role model" and this behavior is deemed unacceptable to some.  However, she did not break the law!

I am sure she has been exposed to way worse stuff on set or on tour.  Most young stars are hooked to extreme illegal drugs at a very young age.  I say  leave Miley alone.   She has enough to deal with like her parents divorcing.  Until she breaks the law or injures someone, lets worry about something else.

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