Hope And Healing Place Is Having A Virtual Half-Marathon
Virtual marathons and 5Ks may be the way we do things for a while. The Hope and Healing Place in Amarillo has decided to make their marathon a virtual one.
These virtual races are actually a pretty good idea. You can run at your convenience, and then you post or email your times to the organizers. Pretty simple, and there's no waking up super early to participate.
It starts tomorrow (5/1) and goes through May 31. You have a full month to get your run in.
It's also pretty easy to participate. On theFacebook event page for the half-marathon HHP states that:
You can run your neighborhood, favorite trail or on your treadmill any day/time that you choose between May 1st - May 31st. We are offering a 5K, 10K, Half Marathon and Trifecta Category (run all three)!
All we ask is that you post a picture of yourself and or your time or run app of your finishing time and mileage on our HHP Half Marathon Facebook page. You may also email it to Laurie Howard and she will post it for you! (Laurie.Howard@hhpamarillo.org).
As social distancing continues to be the norm, it's great seeing things like this happen. Instead of canceling events, groups and organizations are finding creative ways to make sure they still happen.
It's nice to still have some things to do other than sit and think about how stressed we all are.
For more information, click on this link to see the event page for the half-marathon.
Hope and Healing Place is a grief center helping children, families, and individuals navigate the grieving process.
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