How Old Is Too Old To Be Breastfed?
Every family is different and so is every baby. But how old is to old to breastfeed your child?
Anyone who has had a child knows that doctors recommend breastfeeding. Of course, there are some benefits and it is natural, but it isn't for everyone. When I was pregnant, I had a hard time dealing with all aspects of the pregnancy. But when it came to breastfeeding, I could not even imagine doing it.
The thought of it, just freaked me out. So when I hear stories of these moms breastfeeding four and five year olds, I am left in awe. I understand breastfeeding babies, but once a child has teeth it should be off limits.
This past weekend, my family and I saw a woman breastfeeding a child that looked at least four years old at a local restaurant. I couldn't believe she was doing that , but it was happening. I felt uncomfortable and tried to keep my son from looking.
Moms use the excuse that the nutritional values are better and that breastfeeding will help them lose weight. But in reality, what nutrients will breastfeeding give toddlers that can't be found well balanced diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables and plenty of protein should suffice.
Another reason given by moms is that they want to make sure their child is ready to be weaned off. What? Wean them off like you would a bottle.
Now I never breastfeed, so I don't know if it is that difficult, but I still cannot wrap my brain around breastfeeding a four year old. I am not trying to judge anyone, but if it is your choice to breastfeed a four year old in public, you are going to get stares.