I’m So Excited To Try Amarillo’s Walk-Ons This Weekend
It was announced a while ago that Amarillo was getting a Walk-Ons here in Amarillo on Soncy. It was supposed to open up this past spring but thanks to Coronavirus it has been delayed.
Here we are in the month of July and every time I drive by the location on Soncy I watch the progress. I could tell they were getting close. New restaurants and growth is always good for us here in Amarillo.
I saw a friend of mine post a couple weeks ago on Facebook looking for people to come and try out Walk-Ons. Sometimes it really is who you know....not what you know. So I commented on his post. Heck I want to give it a try. I want to be able to be one of the first to try the menu. It's also a time to let the kitchen crew and servers get some practice in before they open the door for the public this Monday. Yes, you read that right. They open up on Monday, July 27th. Oh, did I mention I also get to try it for free? Yes, I do.
I love when restaurants do this and when I get an invite. So I have a reservation coming up this weekend. I will get to try the menu. I have been checking it out already. Sometimes at these soft openings they have a scaled back menu. Oh but I am OK with whatever they put in front of me. The menu looks pretty darn good.
So be looking out for an update. I will give you my review from start to finish.
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