
Tax Free Weekend for Amarillo and all of Texas will begin this weekend, Friday, August 9th.  Is the sales tax holiday even worth it?  I find myself asking this question every year.  Why would anyone want to wake up at 4:00am and stand in a line to fight with hundreds, even thousands of people, to save a whopping $8 for every $100 spent?  Not worth it!

Beyond that, tax free weekend is meant to help with back to school shopping.  I'm sure many take advantage of that help as they should.  Except the vast majority of my friends, even those with kids in school, don't go "back to school shopping" on tax free weekend.  My friends will be like,"I woke up at 4 this morning, stood in line for 3 hours, got the very last TV they had...saved $30!"  I'm like, "wow dude, you wasted all that time to save $30?"

The last thing I want to do is wake up early just to fight with a 60 year old woman over a TV or article of clothing.  Some grandma spitting her teeth out and telling me to "bring it" isn't exactly how I like to start off my days.  I've been beat up by an older woman, not very fun.

I realize with the economy, you need to penny pinch every chance you get.  It's just, to me, I'd rather sleep in than save $50.

Either way, if shopping on Tax Free Weekend is your thing, get out this weekend!  It begins on Friday and runs through Sunday.


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