There are things that you automatically think of when you think of Amarillo. Those things are the Cadillac Ranch, that 72 oz. steak challenge, and of course Palo Duro Canyon. There are some other things too, of course.

You remember shopping at Western Plaza. You think of all those nights hunting for a movie at Hastings. There are just some experiences we all remember. Some of them we sure do miss.

We miss the days of going to Gardskis.


Ordering a Ruby Tequila from Ruby's. We miss Shakey's Pizza. There are just some things, really.

Then there are those things in Amarillo that if they ever went away we wouldn't know how to handle it. One of those things is Beef Burger Barrel. It has been in Amarillo pretty much forever. I have seen people post about visiting it back in the fifties so yeah a lifetime for some of us.

It's one of those things you just trust you are going to see as you drive down Plains Blvd. It stands out because as its name states it is a barrel. I see it every time I am driving took the back way home from doctors' appointments.

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It is always there. Such a comfort to see. Over the years they did lose their sign with the cow on top of it. Wouldn't be at all surprised if the Texas Panhandle winds did that in.

Of course, over the years the prices have changed. In the early days, you could get a burger for a nickel. Oh, weren't those the days? Now you can get 4 of them for thirteen dollars. Which is still a heck of a deal.

They do have an outdoor dining area just in case you find a nice Texas Panhandle weather day. You know one that just has a slight breeze?

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I have seen a lot of people compare their burgers to another missed location in Amarillo. Remember Mr. Burger? They are way gone but Beef Burger Barrel can help bring you back to that taste you miss.

So when you are looking for some nostalgia. Looking for a place that still serves a good ol' fashion burger. Beef Burger Barrel is still on Plains Blvd. to bring you back a bit and help you move forward.

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday For a Hamburger Today

Amarillo Barbeque Food Porn