Snakes are just evil little creatures and they like to hide in the most inconspicuous places on the planet and that includes rivers.  Snakes love to infest rivers.

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Rattlesnakes for instance, like to hide under rocks, under buildings, under wood that has been sitting in the corner of your yard for years.  It's the same for other snakes, they like to swim in lakes and rivers and just wait for that unsuspecting soul to bump up against.

They wonder why people don't like to get in the water.

According to a study done by A-ZAnimals, snakes love to infest the waters of Texas.

Here are the Top 5 Rivers in Texas that are infested with these slippery creatures.

#5: Trinity River

River Surfing In Texas
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The Trinity River spans 710 miles and is the only contained river solely in Texas.  The river begins from four branches in North Texas, converging near Dallas and flowing southeast toward Trinity Bay, an arm of Galveston Bay.  The venomous snakes that you will find in the Trinity River are the Western Diamond Back Rattler and Water Moccasin.  The non-venomous are the North American Racer and Blotched Water Snake.

#4: Sabine River

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The Sabine River is 510 miles long and is swampy and marshy, that's perfect for all kinds of wildlife.  This is the river that is fed by three forks in northeast Texas.  This river forms part of the Texas-Louisisna border, that makes its way down to the Gulf.  The venomous snakes you will find in the Sabine are the Western Cottonmouth (Water Moccasin) and the Copperhead.  The non-venomous snakes are the Speckled King Snake and the Eastern Hog Nose

#3 Colorado River

Rising Colorado River In Wharton, Texas Forces Residents To Evacuate
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The Texas Colorado River runs 862 miles.  The venomous snakes you will find in the Colorado River are Western Diamond Back and the Texas Coral Snake.  The non-venomous are the Diamondback Water snake and the Western Ribbon Snake.

#2 Brazos River

SMU v Baylor
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The Brazos River spans 1,280 miles and is full of snakes.  The venomous snake you will find in the Brazos is the Western Cottonmouth.  The non-venomous are the Bradbanded Copperhead and the Texas Rat Snake.

#1 Rio Grande

As Drought Affects Rio Grande River, Federal Government Opposes Water Deal Between Texas And New Mexico
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Would you expect any less for the number one spot than the Rio Grande?  The Rio Grande makes up the border between Texas and Mexico.  This river contains quite a few venomous snakes including the Western Diamond Rattlesnake, Copperhead snake, and the Water moccasin.  The non-venomous are the plain 'ol Garter snake and the Rough Green Snake.

Most of these snakes won't attack unless they feel threatened.   They just like you are out for a swim or basking on the riverbed in the sun.  If you happen to see one, don't panic and you should be fine.

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