Do you have a any gently used or new Halloween costume you would like to donate? This year we will be collecting costumes and giving them to families who are going thru hard times financially and can't buy costumes for their kids this year.

Have you ever thought about how many kids for Halloween can't dress up because they don't have a costume. How many times have you seen kids make their own costumes out of a torn up t-shirt and throw some make-up and that's their costume. Kids look forward to attending Halloween activities at school or local churches and even going trick or treating. Coming up on October 23rd we will be giving out free Halloween costumes to kids that are in need of them. It will be 2 costumes per family.

Last year we were overwhelmed with the amount of people that showed up to get costumes for their kids. We had a huge line waiting to get in to pick out a free costumes. So this year we are well prepared for a huge turn-out and we'll have lots of costumes ready.

Be listening for more details on Kiss Fm on how you can get a free Halloween costume for your child.

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