Seems that Lady Gaga's ex Lüc Carl is none too happy about the book 'Rivington Was Ours,' which depicts Mother Monster's early career and makes Carl look like a "villain."

Within the tome, author and longtime Gaga friend and associate Brendan Jay Sullivan accuses Carl (a drummer in a heavy metal band) of telling Gaga who she could and could not talk to and where she could work, even convincing her to dye her hair for him.

In response, Carl, who little monsters know as the "cool Nebraska guy" she sang about in 'You & I,' is ready to sue Sullivan and the book's publisher HarperCollins for depicting him in a negative light.

As Sullivan explained of the situation, "Gaga told me herself that Lüc told her early in her career, 'I hope you fail,' and that gave her the fire she needed at the time to fight for her dreams. Lüc wasn’t happy that I made him the villain of the piece. HarperCollins got a letter from him, he is threatening me and HarperCollins with a lawsuit."

The couple dated on and off for six years and even Carl admitted that he was a pretty terrible boyfriend, saying, "I was f - - king miserable, and it wasn’t her fault. It was my fault for being a drunk a - - hole. I would have left me, too." He also spoke fondly of her and explained the deeper reasons why they split.

Although that hasn't stopped him from being an equally bad ex-boyfriend and suing.

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