Mayor Ginger Nelson To Amarillo: Display Something Yellow
Amarillo Mayor Ginger Nelson’s press conference today raised the COVID-19 alert level to RED, resulting in a shelter in place order taking effect at midnight. All non-essential workers are to stay home.
The mayor also asked Amarillo residents to do something on a personal level as well. Show respect for our medical workers and first responders by displaying something yellow on houses, yards or fences. Something as easy as a balloon, a yellow dish rag, a flag or even yellow Christmas lights.
Mayor Nelson in her speech said, “ Use this as something positive, get creative in supporting our medical community, but let’s display our yellow, let’s put our yellow pride out there as a support to them, to encourage them to show them our gratitude, and most of all to say that we are all in, in doing what we can to slow the spread and to fight this outbreak and to keep them safe”
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