Hyvee, a local KC grocery store, has put out some Mahomes Magic Crunch to cash in on the marketability of the young superstar. The cereal is flying off the shelves at Hyvees locations, but it's also killing online.

If you're a Mahomes fan across the country, you can get the cereal online for a modest fee. If I was to buy a box of Mahomes Magic Crunch, which I'm not saying I have or would, it would run about $18 on eBay.com. That's for a single box.

Is it worth it? Well, the original sale helps out the Mahomies Foundation, so in that sense, it is. The overhead you're paying on eBay helps that guy's personal foundation, so it's almost double charity.

When my box comes in, I'll tell you if the cereal is quality. Not that I spent $20 on some cereal... OK. I did. I bought some Mahomes Magic Crunch. It's just a sweet deal.

If you do jump on eBay for a box of the good stuff, do some minimal research before diving in. I saw single boxes for $35, and cases for $299. This guy wants you to buy 12 boxes of cereal for $262 with shipping. That's a pretty penny for a sugar high and a cardboard box.

I'm not judging though, because I, too, have chased the high. I'm not proud of it, but it's going to be the best (most expensive) bowl of cereal I've ever had. I might even splurge for the good milk and eat it with a golden spoon.

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