Author's note: This post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of Townsquare Media.

Jesse Quackenbush made his statement. It was loud and clear that he liked to offend the Hispanic and LGBTQ community. In result, he got a lot of local and national press about his Big Beaners concept restaurant.

Quackenbush defended his enterprise by saying its coffee beans were from Folger’s, and Mexican beans and burritos were on the menu. Folger’s coffee distanced their company and stated they were not a partner, and would not supply coffee beans or equipment to his Big Beaners restaurant.  His illegal green alien, which Quackenbush held a gun to its head, was misguided and full of racial innuendo.

One thing I will commend Quackenbush for is how he brought an often insulted community together. The Facebook group led by Ali Ramos was able to lead a Go Fund Me campaign to purchase a billboard adjacent to the restaurant which was displayed for weeks.


This is just proof that racial tension is something that we here in West Texas are aware of and will take a stand to quell it. That is what I started talking about on our websites and platforms. Quackenbush publicly insulted me and my radio station.


You had to take down your signs; perhaps you have some good in you after all.

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