Now I don't know how true this is or could be a huge rumor but the Bieber Camp says Justin is done. It's hard to believe that the Canadian pop star who was discovered off of a youtube video in 2008 is really considering retiring. And they are saying as soon as 2013 could be his very last year.

A prepared statement provided by the Bieber camp says despite this being a tough decision, Bieber is certain he no longer wants a spot in the limelight.

“Frankly, he’s tired,” said Jon Turley, the singer’s spokesman. “After all of the paternity tests, the paparazzi, the constant pressure to outdo himself — Justin is just done. It’s been a tough year. And he wants to thank all of the Beliebers out there for their continued support.”

I would have to agree Justin had a tough 2012 with many run-ins with the cops, a split up with Selena Gomez which left him broken hearted, and also recently a paparazzi had stated that Justin was on drugs. The same paparazzi that was recently killed in a car accident.

I could understand maybe this could be very stressful for a 18 year old boy. He went from having and ordinary teen life to becoming a world icon to a lot of Belieber fans. Look what happened to Michael Jackson he was stripped from his childhood experiences and was always in the lime light.

Since the time Justin was discovered by Usher on youtube he has always been under the microscope on every move he does. That could be very hard on a young teen.

Other rumors have started rumors on why his reasons for leaving show business is because he wants to work behind the scenes in the studio, taking on a production role rather than releasing his own material.

Now I don't know if this is resource is entirely TRUE, but if Bieber is retiring, lots of people will be very upset.

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