Some Tips For Trick Or Treating
It's one of kids favorite holidays, Halloween. Before you take your little monster out for some scary fun, here are a few things to keep in mind to have a safe and fun time.
- Watch Out For The Kids! They are so excited to run to the next house to get that next piece of candy that they might forget to look both ways while crossing the street. When your driving through your neighborhood keep an eye out for the little ones.
- Snacking It's a good idea to check your child's candy before they have at it. But sometimes they can't wait to get into it. A good way to prevent snacking is to feed your kids a big meal before they go out to trick or treat.
- Safe Treats I always tell my son that it's not a good idea to eat anything that is not wrapped.
- Be Bright As Possible It might not be scary, but it's way safer for your little one to be seen by any passing cars. A flashing light or reflective tape will make it safe for your neighbors and most importantly, you kids.