Morgan Wallen Showed Love to RpMorgan Wallen Showed Love to RpAnd the feeling appears to be mutual.Mackenzie Cummings-GradyMackenzie Cummings-Grady
An In-Depth Look at Sampling in Hip-Hop in 2023An In-Depth Look at Sampling in Hip-Hop in 2023Sampling in hip-hop has been going on since the genre’s inception, but in 2023, it’s been more prevalent than ever. XXL dives deep to discuss why everything sounds familiar.XXL StaffXXL Staff
'Free Jeffery' Billboard Appears in NYC'Free Jeffery' Billboard Appears in NYCNew York Thugga fans are showing love.Mackenzie Cummings-GradyMackenzie Cummings-Grady
Nicki's First-Week Album SalesNicki's First-Week Album SalesNicki is moving units.Trent FitzgeraldTrent Fitzgerald
The Break Presents – That Mexican OTThe Break Presents – That Mexican OTThe Lonestar Luchador is all things Texas hip-hop. Joey EchJoey Ech
‘Cha Cha Slide’ Creator DJ Casper Dead at 58‘Cha Cha Slide’ Creator DJ Casper Dead at 58He passed away in his native city of Chicago.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
More To The Mistake? We Examine The Texas Buc-ee’s Billboard “Error”More To The Mistake? We Examine The Texas Buc-ee’s Billboard “Error”By now, everyone has heard about the Buc-ee's billboard misspelling spotted in Texas. it a simple mistake, or a marketing strategy? Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
‘Billboard’ Hot 100 Chart No Longer Counting Digital Downloads From Artists’ Webstores‘Billboard’ Hot 100 Chart No Longer Counting Digital Downloads From Artists’ WebstoresFind out how the new rule will affect single positions moving forward. Ryan ReichardRyan Reichard
Miley Cyrus Just Earned Her First No. 1 ‘Billboard’ Hot 100 Debut in 17 YearsMiley Cyrus Just Earned Her First No. 1 ‘Billboard’ Hot 100 Debut in 17 YearsShe came close with "Party in the U.S.A."Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
"Bipolar Is Not A Crime" Billboard? The Sad Story Behind It."Bipolar Is Not A Crime" Billboard? The Sad Story Behind It.A billboard Amarillo doesn't seem to understand has a sad story behind it. Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
How Many “Watch Your Curves” Signs Have You Seen On Back Roads?How Many “Watch Your Curves” Signs Have You Seen On Back Roads?Let's play fill in the blank. Try this one. "Watch your curves! Eat more ____." CharlieCharlie
Wall Funding Billboard in Amarillo, Texas is Raising EyebrowsWall Funding Billboard in Amarillo, Texas is Raising EyebrowsAmarillo is no stranger to the limelight recently with various signage around the Panhandle area.Shannon LewisShannon Lewis