Over the last couple of years, larger companies have been getting a jump on Black Friday shopping and started opening their doors for huge sales on Thanksgiving Day. By doing this, they have taken Thanksgiving away from their employees. However, other companies are stepping up and saying no to opening on Thanksgiving Day.
Everyone knows exactly what the "big box" stores are doing for Black Friday. I mean, it's on every channel and posted all over the internet. But, there are actually some local businesses that are having Black Friday Specials as well.
I was sitting here this morning thinking 'where has this year gone.'
It's hard to believe that in seven weeks that we will be getting ready to ring in the new year.
For better of worse, Thanksgiving not only marks the day that we sit down with family and friends, carve the turkey and munch on candy yams, but it's also the day that stores will be opening early to kick off the holiday rush. Some of
The too-good-to-be-true bargains that abound on Black Friday may entice people to go holiday shopping, but they may lure in even more people interested in buying gifts for themselves.
It's funny to watch how peoples true colors come out on Black Friday. People getting trampled as they rush into stores to take advantage of deals, getting into fights, clawing and scratching their way through crowds to save $5. This is exactly why I don't even bother with getting out and trying to get stuff on what has been dubbed the busiest shopping day of the year! Because people will litera
It's Black Friday, and you know what that means -- hiding in your home away from the world while people desperately claw at each other's faces to buy a Wii U for their kid. The madness is not for everybody. Some of us like to eat cold turkey all day and wonder how a person could be so hungover. For those of us who would rather spend time with our TVs watching 'Star Wars' than rioting over discount
With Thanksgiving being just about a week away, excitement is growing. The family, the food, and football. But is Thanksgiving ruined because of the Black Friday sales?
It is about that time to stand in line for hours waiting on that great deal. Fighting crowds and losing sleep marks the biggest shopping day of the year- Black Friday! It will be here before you know it, so get ready. This year a lot of the stores will be opening up extra early.