'It’s not OK when you try to stand on someone’s shoulders and then throw dirt in their face, which is what I think they did with him,' the actress says.
Jon Stewart said goodbye to The Daily Show last night in equal parts star-studded and quiet, personal fashion as former correspondents like Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver and Olivia Munn returned to pay their respects, while Bruce Springsteen closed out the slow with a performance — at Stewart’s request — of his 1999 song “The Land of Hopes and Dreams” and, for his fellow New Jerseyan, “Born to Run”.
Ouch! Olivia Munn had a painful swinging experience (no, not that kind!). The self-proclaimed geek fell hard on her arm while on an actual swing -- and it's all caught on camera.
What if all the breasts you held dear suddenly disappeared? That’s the premise of this horrifying fake trailer, starring geeky provocateur Olivia Munn.
I'm having a celebrity skin overload here! I CAN'T HANDLE ALL THE FLESH! Apparently, the fad this week will be leaked cell phone pictures after hack jobs are performed. Our latest are January Jones & Heather Morris, but toss Olivia Munn onto the list too, she's the big winner and her leaked pictures make her seem very nice.