So far, so good for the Texas power grid. During extreme weather though, "rolling blackouts" may be needed. Even though it doesn't seem like they're allowed.
Creative landlords can find any "emergencies" if they are motivated to snoop. I love the motion sensor and internet-enabled cameras I install around any rented unit. If the landlord comes in when I'm not there, I want to know why.
The hope behind this law is that there will be a "good guy with a gun" to stop a school shooting. Honestly, I believe it is a good idea... in some cases.
When this topic got brought up I thought "what kind of backwoods place are we talking about?" I guess I never thought about it. Now I am being forced to ponder. It got me thinking about my own backyard.
I feel like I was lied to a lot as a child. I may have continued some of those lies when I became a parent. It wasn't that I was trying to intentionally lie to my child. It was just stuff I was told when I was a kid. Yes, I believed my parents.